Thursday, 20 October 2016

Our trip to the Suter Gallery

This week Room 11 went on a trip to the newly renovated Suter Art Gallery to do ceramics.  We walked all the way there from our school, it was a very long way.  We were shown the new gallery and told about Andrew and Amelia Suter who had the gallery built to show art works to the community over 100 years ago.  We walked through the gallery and then we looked at the wooden poles with Maori carvings on.  Then we went into the clay room and created our own Christmas tree ornaments with koru designs inscribed on them.  Thanks to all the parents who came along with us.  It was an awesome trip!


  1. Cool looks fun! Love the Christmas trees, mmmm Christmas..

  2. Nice to see Finn with a painting of his great grandfather! Well done Finn for talking to the class.
